Australia Duck Hunting

Australia duck hunting is a continuation of unchartered waterfowling adventures provided exclusively by, and like many of our other off-the-beaten-path destinations, duck hunting in Australia provides an immersive experience for only 1-3 guests per session in a laid back, highly-interpersonal atmosphere – guide-staff comfortably feels more like falling in among long-lost friends than staying in a bustling hotel.
Though the driest continent on earth, wet years result in astounding duck production. There is a rich tradition of duck hunting in Australia to include decoys, duck calls, and retrievers. Full of friendly and English-speaking duck hunters, Australia duck hunting is surprisingly more similar to hunting in the US than most other foreign destinations. Hunting primarily throughout the Victoria province, hunting among 2-3 locations ensure opportunities for the full variety of endemic Australian duck species to include: Pacific black ducks, grey teal, chestnut teal, maned duck, pink-eared duck, hardheads, Australian shovelers (pending seasonal availability), and Australian shelducks. In good wet years, the limit is an enviable 10 duck per day.
Hunts take place Monday-Friday, leaving weekends free for travel or sightseeing. The variety of habitats hunted include flooded and dry-field agriculture, rivers, stick pond swamps, and flooded green timber, usually using natural cover for concealment. A degree of mobility necessary for walking moderate distances is required to ensure the greatest hunting opportunities. Depending on seasonal timing and availability, upland birds, geese or big game might also be hunted.
Lodging varies among simple hotels and B&Bs along the way of your Australia duck hunting tour. Meals are a combination of casual local restaurants and home-cooked, everything from bacon cheese burgers (the locals love topping them with fried eggs, pineapple or beets) to lamb, beef steaks, Thai, pizza – your preference to include your own waterfowl as desired. Like duck hunting the world over, each morning begins well before daylight with a quick cup of coffee, driving one-half to an hour to the hunting area in time to set the decoys. Hunts last until limits are achieved, the ducks quit flying or the guest is ready; the hunt pace is completely customized to suit client needs.
Guests are received at the airport in Melbourne. A couple days spent in Melbourne preceding scheduled hunt dates may mitigate jet-lag. Australia duck hunting easily combines with New Zealand duck hunting for an excellent South Pacific waterfowling combo.
Rates & Dates
Australia duck hunting seasons are mid-March through mid-June (Victoria), mid-February through the end of June (South Australia). Northern Territory magpie goose and whistler ducks (November). The rice mitigation season in New South Wales is October through mid-December. Exact season dates and bag limits may vary among years due to governmental regulations.
Australia duck hunting packages are $950 per day, minimum 3 days. Five-day packages are suggested.
Non-hunter rate $425
Reservations require 50% deposit, balance due 60 days prior to travel. GetDucks Travel Protection added to each invoice and due with initial deposit (call to discuss).
Trip Specifics
Australia duck hunting packages include:
- Airport and local transfers
- Accommodations
- Meals, snacks, all non-alcoholic beverages
- Morning and afternoon duck hunts as required to fill established seasonal bag limits
- International visitors hunting license
Not Included
Australia duck hunting packages do not include:
- Air transfers
- Transfers and logistics pertaining to hunting SA, NSW or NT provinces (POR)
- Non-hunting days before and after scheduled hunts (POR)
- Melbourne hotels and meals
- Alcoholic beverages
- Extra ammo (AUS $20/ box) subject to change
- Firearm rental (AUS $90 daily)
- GetDucks Travel Protection Plan/ Trip Insurance (added line-item to each invoice)
- Items of a strictly personal nature

More Information
Field Report
Australia duck hunting ranks very high among my list of worldwide destinations hunted. Friendly, English-speaking people with a long-standing tradition of duck hunting, liberal limits for unique species, interesting duck hunting environments (especially loved green-timber hunting the red river gum swamps), and surprises at every turn – from kangaroos bounding through the woods during walk-ins to discovering that “blackies” work mallard calls as well or better than mallards in the Deep South. Sure, they have a Crocodile Dundee accent and drive on the wrong side of the road, but those are too easily accept as part of a new adventure! Afterwards we hopped over to New Zealand to scratch off a few more South Pacific waterfowl species.
-Ramsey Russell
More Info
Special notes regarding duck hunting in Australia:
1. For as long as the guide-hunter ratio is 1:1, first-time Australia duck hunting visitors are exempt from taking the Game Management Authority’s Duck WISE exam when hunting in Victoria. It’s always required when hunting South Australia or New South Wales provinces. In these instances, guests should review study materials and practice test (to include Australia’s non-game waterbirds) preceding their scheduled Australia duck hunt and plan on taking the simple test upon arrival.
2. Semi-auto shotguns are prohibited in Australia. Guests may use an outfitter-provided O/U or import their own.
3. While the export of waterfowl is perfectly legal, an export permit is required and Australia bureaucrats have demonstrated reluctance in approving these permits with haste. Number of birds allowable for export is limited, and exact number is unknown. We and our associates are working with Australian authorities to sort this situation.

Customer Testimonials
Duck hunting in Australia is a real blast! The countryside is beautiful and the people are great!
Duck hunting in Australia is a real blast! The countryside is beautiful and the people are great! Where I live in Louisiana, we know and shoot ducks! Well, these guys in Australia also know and shoot ducks! Glenn is very experienced and knows how to make a hunt both enjoyable and productive. Glenn works super hard to assure his customers have a good experience. We shot a wide variety of ducks, but the Mountain Duck was super fun. Glen had these birds coming into the decoys time and again, want a BLAST !! Literally!
Thanks Again for a great experience.
Barry Laiche
Referenced hunt: Duck hunting in Australia

Australia duck hunting was super! Great hunt, enjoyed the warm, hospitable culture.
Australia duck hunting was super! Great hunt, enjoyed the warm, hospitable culture. Glenn is a wonderful host and made the trip one to repeat. Thanks to for bringing this hunt to SCI and for expertly organizing the details.
Bryan McCann
Referenced hunt: Australia duck hunting

Thanks Glenn, Ramsey and Anita for organizing an outstanding Australia duck hunting trip!
Glenn did a great job during our Australia duck hunting vacation. He kept us “on” the ducks even when birds were hit and miss, and we always got our limit. Thanks Glenn, Ramsey and Anita for organizing an outstanding Australia duck hunting trip!
Tom & Stacey Riley
Referenced hunt: Australia duck hunting

Australia duck hunting far exceeded my expectations. Fantastic trip!
Australia duck hunting far exceeded my expectations. Fantastic trip! Great hunt, even better people. This is a hunt I’ll definitely be back for again.
Ryan Bassham, Sitka Gear Category Marketing
Referenced hunt: Australia Duck Hunting
Cannot emphasize enough how hospitable and friendly you all were to us during last week’s Australia duck hunt.
Cannot emphasize enough how hospitable and friendly you all were to us during last week’s Australia duck hunt. We will forever be grateful for everything you all brought to us….friendship!! Thank you!
Jake Latendresse
Referenced hunt: Australia Duck Hunt