Sporting Travel Resources
As a valuable service to our guests, Ramsey Russell’s strives to provide the most complete and up-to-date information available to the traveling hunter. To suggest specific resource additions or to report a broken link, please contact us online or call us at 601-214-9737.
General Travel Information Links
US State Department Travel Warnings and other travel-related news
Exchange Rates Calculator The value of a hard-earned dollar worldwide
Center for Disease Control Health requirements, inoculations & precautions
Center for Disease Control (Travel) Current topics for traveling hunters
World Electric Guide Keeping hunters plugged up: electrical currents worldwide
Calling Codes How to call from between any international country
Time Zone Converter Time zone conversion hunting anywhere in the world
Weight & Measurement Converter Because they use metric units elsewhere
Weather Underground Worldwide weather info for traveling hunters
Pet Travel: Taking Your Retriever to a Foreign Country
Guide To The Interstate Transportation of Firearms Provided by the NRA, this document concisely summarizes traveling with sporting firearms, and provides considerations and precautions.
USDA APPROVED ESTABLISHMENTS Search USDA Database to find USDA-approved taxidermists near you.
New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) Required when traveling to New Zealand if you are travelling without a visa on a passport from a visa waiver country, or travelling as a permanent resident of Australia.
Hunt Related Forms
Certification of Registration for Personal Effects Taken Abroad (Form 4457) or PDF Version Certification of Registration for Personal Effects Taken Abroad (Form 4457) Must have this document to present to US Customs officials when returning into the United States with your firearm. May be completed at your nearest USCBP Office (usually located near, but not in, an airport). PLEASE NOTE: In the past, South Africa requires a their own specific version Form 4457 to include an expiration date. USCBP now prints 4457s without a date except for the one for date issued. If going to RSA with an older form, the form date must be current.
Canadian Non-Resident Firearm Declaration (Form CAFC 909) Complete this document prior to travel and do not sign until requested to do so by Canadian Customs Officer.
Fax Cover Sheet for Non-Resident Firearm Declaration CAFC909 Before flying into Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada, fax this completed form to Canada Border Service Agency along with the CAFC 909 to pre-process your firearm.
Temporary Firearm Authorization Form for Argentina (Lodge-specific RENAR information provided after booking.)
New Zealand Firearm Safety and Licenses Visitors Firearms License and Permit to Import can now be completed online using secure forms. Effective March 2019, the following changes were made to the New Zealand Visitor Firearms License Process! Visitors must now register, take a short test, and pay application fees online. Link:
Federal Migratory Bird Tags To comply with Federal regulations (50 CFR 20 Migratory Bird Hunting), all birds must be tagged individually when shipped, and contents listed on outside of the container. When in possession afield or in travel, hunters are well-advised to segregate and their respective take.
Importation of Fish and Wildlife Form 3-177 Necessary to import bird and other wildlife into US from international bird hunting destinations. Present this document to the customs officer along with all pertinent forms such as hunting licenses, tags and hunting contracts. For all countries listed as HPAI (Countries/Regions Affected with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza) your trophies MUST be consigned to a taxidermist that’s certified USDA Approved Import Facility. THERE IS MORE TO TROPHY BIRD IMPORT THAN DECLARING THEM. HUNTER’S ARE WELL ADVISED TO KNOW ALL RULES PERTAINING TO THEIR SITUATION. IMPORTS ARE SOLELY THE HUNTER’S RESPONSIBILITY.
- Instructions for properly completing Fish and Wildlife Form 3-177 This document provides instructions for completing Form 3-177.
- Form 3-177 (print and take with you) (All clients are provided with a sample copy upon request)
- Page 2 Continuation sheet of FWS Form 3-177
- SAMPLE 3-177 “CHEAT SHEET“ Complete the filled portions of this form using your own trip specifics. Emailed to clients on request.
Scientific names (Mexico Birds) A convenient reference when completing Form 3-177 for Mexico imports
VS 16-3 Application for Permit to Import Controlled Material or Transport Organisms or Vectors or Animal Products and By-Products. This permit no longer required for import of HPAI birds into the US. Affected birds are instead consigned to a USDA -approved facility.
ATF Form 6NIA Application/Permit for Non-Immigrant Aliens Temporarily Bringing Firearms or Ammunition into the United States for Hunting or other Lawful Sporting Purposes Paperwork for non-immigrant hunting guests import guns into the US for sport hunting purposes, requires a valid State hunting license and 6-8 weeks to process. ( ATF Form 6NIA Downloadable PDF Version)
WIN Card A Wildlife Identification Number (WIN) is required to purchase hunting and sportfishing licenses in Alberta. Apply online here.
Saskatchewan HAL ID# In 2013, The Ministry of Environment has automated its hunting, angling and trapping licensing (HAL) system. All Saskatchewan hunting licenses may only be purchased after being issued a HAL ID online.
Special Topics Hunting Travel

Guidelines for Importing Trophy Birds © Getting your trophies through US Customs
** USDA APPROVED ESTABLISHMENTS Search USDA Database to find USDA-approved taxidermists near you.
Scientific names (Mexico Birds) A convenient reference when completing Form 3-177 for Mexico imports
SHIPPING & IMPORTING INSTRUCTIONS for International Birds & Waterfowl Made easy. AND ALSO: Sample Form 3-177 and Form 3-177 instructions by Kanati Waterfowl Taxidermy.
How to legally import your sport-hunted trophy from Mexico to US (PDF), Sonora Outdoors Mag 2019.
Importing birds from Argentina Can I bring bird back from Argentina for taxidermy?
The only way to fly: Airplane travel with firearms and ammunition, by Ron Spomer, Sports Afield
Canadian Inadmissability If you are prohibited from entering Canada (see below, Operational Bulletin 389, below)
Operational Bulletin 389 – February 27, 2012 -Exemption for Temporary Resident Permits Issued to Foreign Nationals who are Inadmissible to Canada New policy allows for a one-time exemption if entering Canada with a DUI issued in the USA.
Field Care of Trophy Waterfowl & Birds © Properly preserving your trophies
South American Hunting Translations © Basic translations requested
Hunting Regulations
Alaska Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations
Massachusetts Hunting Regulations
Mississippi Hunting Regulations

Missouri Waterfowl Hunting Regulations
North Carolina Hunting Regulations
North Dakota Hunting Regulations
South Dakota Hunting Regulations
Washington Hunting Regulations
Canadian Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations
Alberta Canada Hunting Regulations
Manitoba Canada Hunting Regulations

Nova Scotia Hunting Regulations
Ontario Canada Hunting Regulations
Quebec Canada Hunting Regulations
Saskatchewan Canada Hunting Regulations
US Hunting License Online Sales
Purchase US Hunting Licenses:

North Carolina Hunting License
Hunting Checklist What To Bring
Argentina Dove Hunt & Upland Checklist ©
Argentina Duck Hunt Checklist ©
Mexico Brant Hunting Checklist ©, Baja
Mexico Duck-Brant Combo Checklist ©, Obregon
Mexico Duck Hunting Checklist ©, Mazatlan
Airline Baggage Policies for Hunters
Waterfowl & Hunting Conservation Organizations
We proudly support the following organizations in the interest of resource conservation and sport hunting advocacy. The future of hunting and wildlife conservation rest in the hands of today’s hunters. Put personal politics aside: support one or several of these fine organizations.
Safari Club International (SCI)
Coastal Conservation Association (CCA)
National Rifle Association (NRA-ILA)
National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF)
The following is for customer convenience. Please verify all numbers before departure and retain a copy in your travel documents. We advise registering with the US Consulate prior to departure.
Consulate of the United States of America: Buenos Aires, Argentina
The U.S. Embassy is located at Avenida Colombia 4300 in the Palermo neighborhood of Buenos Aires (near the Plaza Italia stop on the “D” line subway). The main Embassy switchboard telephone is (54) (11) 5777-4533. Recorded consular information, including instructions on whom to contact in case of an American citizen emergency, is available at tel. (54) (11) 4514-1830. The main Embassy fax is (54) (11) 5777-4240. The Consular Section fax is (54) (11) 5777-4293. The Consular Section is open to the public from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except on American and Argentine holidays. Additional information on Embassy services is available on the Internet at or by e-mail: Americans visiting Argentina are encouraged to register with the U.S. Embassy at so that they can obtain updated travel information.
Consulate of the United States of America: Baku, Azerbaijan
111 Azadlig Ave
AZ1007 Baku, Azerbaijan
Phone: +994 12 488-3300
If there is a life threatening emergency involving an American citizen after regular business hours (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM), you may call (+99412) 488-3300 and ask for the Duty Officer.
U.S. Citizens with emergencies, please call +994 12 488-3300 or email
Outside of Office Hours, contact: 202-647-5225/5226
Outside of Azerbaijan: 1-888-407-4747
Consulate of the United States of America: Alberta, Canada
Consulate of the United States of America
615 Macleod Trail S.E., 10th Floor
Calgary, Alberta, T2G 4T8 Canada
Consulate of the United States of America: Ontario, Canada
U.S. CONSULATE GENERAL TORONTO, American Citizen Services (ACS) Unit, 225 Simcoe Street, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1S4. Telephone: Visa inquiries 900-451-2778, caller pays. To report the death, arrest, or serious injury of a U.S. citizen: 416-595-6506. Web:
Consulate of the United States of America: Manitoba, Canada
Consulate of the United States of America
201 Portage Avenue, Suite 860, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3K6 Canada
Tel: 204.940.1800 Fax: 204.940.1809
Consulate of the United States of America: Nova Scotia, Canada
Tel: If you are an American citizen with an after hours emergency, please call our emergency line at: 902-429-2480 and press 1. For Non-Emergency Issues for American citizens, please call 902-429-2480 ext. 2991.
Purdy’s Wharf Tower II
1969 Upper Water Street, Suite 904
Halifax, NS B3J 3R7
Consulate of The United States of America: Quebec, Canada
United States Consulate General, 2, rue de la Terrasse-Dufferin, Quebec, Quebec G1R 4T9, Canada, Business hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Telephone: (418) 692-2095, Fax (418) 692-4640. Web:>
Consulate of the United States of America in Mexico, American Citizen Services
For after-hour emergencies, please call the Embassy at 01-52-55-5080-2000, press “0”, and ask the switchboard operator to connect you to the duty officer. Also, among the links on the left you will find information for most emergency situations.
U.S. citizens in other areas of Mexico should seek the assistance of the U.S. Consulates or Consular agencies located throughout the country. Click on the following to find a directory of Consulates and Consular Agencies.
The United States Government has no higher responsibility than to serve and protect its citizens, including those who reside or are temporarily abroad. The Citizens Consular Services (CCS) Unit provides prompt, courteous, and efficient services to United States Citizens and other clients, consistent with U.S. laws and regulations.
The ACS Unit in Mexico City provides a wide range of services to American citizens traveling or residing in Mexico City, including applications for passports, registration of citizens living in or traveling in Mexico, information on voter’s registration, notarial services for documents to be used in the United States and certain emergency services relating to deaths, arrests and temporary destitution. U.S. citizens in Mexico are, of course, subject to Mexican laws and procedures.
For information on visas for Mexican citizens, please click on If you still have questions, these must be directed to our visa appointment and information service by calling 01-900-849-4949 from anywhere in Mexico. If calling from the U.S. or using a calling or credit card, please call:
From U.S.: (011-52-477) 788-7070.
From Mexico: (01-477) 788-7070.
If you are going to be in Mexico for any length of time, please register to receive emergency e-mail notifications and our quarterly newsletter. Any information you give us is completely confidential and will only be released when authorized by you to do so. Website:
Consulate of the United States of America: Hermasillo, Mexico (Pertinent to Mazatlan and Obregon Mexico Duck Hunts)
The U.S. Consular Agency in Mazatlan is open to the public Monday thru Friday, From 9am-1pm, except for U.S. and Mexican holidays. Consular Agency Location: Playa Gaviotas 202 local 10, Golden Zone, Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico 82110, Telephone numbers: (669) 916-5889 (in Mexico), 011-52-(669)-916-5889 dialing from the U.S., Fax: (669) 916-7531. For after-hours emergencies involving life or limb, please call the Duty Officer Celular Phone: 044-669-918-0303. Web:
Open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, except holidays. Telephone Numbers: In México: 01-662-289-3500, From the United States: 011-52-662-289-3500, Telephone number for emergencies involving American Citizens: Local calls: 044-662-256-0741, Within Mexico: 045-662-256-0741, International call: 011-52-662-256-0741, Mailing Address: Consulado Americano, Monterrey #141 entre las calles, Rosales y Galeana, Col. Esqueda, C.P. 83000 Hermosillo, Sonora, México or U.S. Consulate Hermosillo, P.O. Box 1689, Nogales, AZ 85628-1689. Web:
Consulate of the United States of America: St. Petersburg Russia
For emergency assistance after hours, American citizens may call +7 (812) 331-2600 and listen to the recorded message for the Duty Officer’s cell phone number. You may also contact the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the U.S. Department of State for assistance at 888-407-4747 (U.S. toll free number) or at 317-472-2328 (from overseas).
American Citizens with an emergency during regular office hours (Monday-Friday: 9am-5:30pm, excluding Russian and U.S. holidays) are welcome to telephone the American Citizen Services Unit +7 (812) 331-2600. Our address is 15 Furshtatskaya St., St. Petersburg 191028, Russia.
For non-emergency issues, please make an appointment.
These telephone numbers are NOT for visa inquiries. For visa information see or call the visa call center at 8-800-100-2554 (within Russia) or 1-718-425-8337 (from the U.S.)
Consulate of the United States of America: Johannesburg, South Africa
US Consulate General Johannesburg
1 Sandton Drive
Phone: +27 (11) 290-3000
Fax: +27 (11) 884-0396
During regular business hours (Monday – Thursday: 8:00 to 5:00 p.m.; Friday: 8:00 to 12:00 noon):
- From inside South Africa, dial 011-290-3000
- From the U.S., dial: 00-27-11-290-3000
- For U.S. citizen services, email us at
- Have a question about visas? Contact us here
For afterhours, weekends, and holidays:
- From inside South Africa, dial 011-290-3000
- From the U.S., dial 00-27-11-290-3000