General Travel Information

Plan your next duck hunting trip with these helpful online resources:

Travel Protection and Travel Insurance Protect your hunting travel investment

Global Rescue Premierprovider of medical, security, advisory and evacuation services

US Passports (First Time Applicants)

US Passports (Renewals)

US State Department Travel Warnings and other travel-related news

Exchange Rates Calculator The value of a hard-earned dollar worldwide

Center for Disease Control Health requirements, inoculations & precautions

Center for Disease Control (Travel) Current topics for traveling hunters

World Electric Guide
Keeping hunters plugged up: electrical currents worldwide

Seat Guru Seat arrangements and types, travel tips for travelers and hunters

Calling Codes
How to call from between any international country

Time Zone Converter Time zone conversion hunting anywhere in the world

Weight & Measurement Converter Because they use metric units elsewhere

Weather Underground Worldwide weather info for traveling hunters

Pet Travel: Taking Your Retriever to a Foreign Country

Guide To The Interstate Transportation of Firearms Provided by the NRA, this document concisely summarizes traveling with sporting firearms, and provides considerations and precautions.