From the moment I stepped off the plane it all felt “right.”

obregonmexicoduckhunting360[1]_240x300I’m a duck hunter. Or at least I try to hunt ducks. Southeast Pennsylvania is not exactly a duck hunters paradise. But, I do manage to harvest a few for the table each year.  I’ve traveled to a few places through-out  the country. Trying to add to my collection of prized birds. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. But each trip held it’s own rewards. Just being in the marsh at daybreak to watch the world wake-up in a new place is something to live.

A few years ago, I decided I really wanted a Blue-winged Teal to add to the collection. Started making the calls, without much promise. Then I was told  Mexico is the place to go. I found GETDUCKS.COM, operated by Ramsey Russell.  The website itself was impressive, and looking at his  Facebook  page, I was convinced he is an experienced world-traveling duck hunter. When I called Ramsey, he told me about a few upcoming trips in Mexico, including a hosted Obregon Mexico duck hunt that he invited me to join.  The price was right and included everything except for ammo and airfare. I like to K.I.S.S. and have a good time. This sounded perfect and perfect it turned out to be.

From the moment I stepped off the plane it all felt “right.” It was a pleasant surprise to walk into a beautiful estancia in the middle of town. I felt like I was in someone’s private clubhouse. Our bags were put in the very nice comfortable rooms, with the air-conditioning already on.

Harvesting different duck species every day was fantastic experience. The quality and quantity of the birds was spectacular!!  The group bagged at least 15 different species of waterfowl, and saw many different types of shorebirds, wading birds and pelicans while hunting the tidal flats. All absolutely beautiful!! The birds I brought home to mount: Green-winged teal, Blue-winged Teal and Cinnmon teal, Wigeon, Pintail, Lesser Scaup, Mexican Duck and Shoveler.  We harvested drake and hen Redheads worthy of the wall. One day we harvested the most beautiful Gadwall I’ve ever seen, an I’m kind of kicking myself for not bringing one of them home. Absolutely beautiful.

One of the nicest rewards was seeing the local children at the boat ramp one morning, smiling to be getting ducks for dinner that night. Two waiters awaited us every afternoon at the lodge, one with coca-cola and cold water, another with fresh margaritas and cold cervezas. Appetizers of bacon-wrapped dove breasts, chicken wings, quesadillas, and the best FRESH guacamole in the world were all very good and held the wolves at bay until dinner.  Plenty of time to take a nice shower, update the log book, enjoy story-tellings from the day and past trips.

We ate like kings throughout the week to include the largest smoked pork chops ever, lentil soup with peppers, BBQ chicken, tortilla soup, Mexican night with home-made tamales, fajitas, chiles rellenos, polenta, and black bean salsa that were all fantastic!!. The final night we had porthouse steak with guacamole and grilled onion sides while being entertained by a 10-man mariachi band. Perfect ending to a Great week!!!!

Russell Clay

Referenced hunt: Obregon Mexico duck hunting combo
