Exploring the world through hunting: A conservation conversation with Ramsey Russell of GetDucks.com

On this episode our Save it for the Blind team gets to set down with world traveler and world class hunter Ramsey Russell of GetDucks.com. Ramsey is famous for providing the world’s best duck hunting and wing shooting opportunities all over the globe. Ramsey also is a huge fan of the conservation work of CWA and the hunting opportunities afforded in the state of California. We get to discuss all kinds of interesting topics and find out what Ramsey’s favorite and most memorable hunts were along his many travels. In this episode we talk about: What is GetDucks.com The way hunters hunt ducks worldwide is evolving. What changes have you observed in their methods and practices? Tell us about your burritos Tour? What is the most commonly booked hunt on Getducks.com What was your perception of CA prior to a hunt here vs after hunting ca? Best hunting story + what waterfowl species was the most challenging/ Bucket list bird and what was that experience like. Why should more people get into duck hunting & why is CWA so vital?