Why Does March 1 Feel Like it was Twenty Years Ago?

I don’t think it could have been have been put any better from either Ira McCauley or Ramsey Russell in our preproduction meeting than March 1 seems like it was 20 years ago. It feels like we are living in the Kenny Rogers song “Twenty Years Ago”. I have to admit it has always been one of my favorites by the late legend. This historical and legendary event that is unfolding before our eyes is something one day we will be sitting in our rocking chair telling our grands or great grands about. There hasn’t been a podcast for a while and I understand the frustration, but with what is coming you will thank me. I go over what exactly you can expect in the future at the end of the podcast. But first, what does a world traveling waterfowl hunter do when he has been totally shut down? Hear how Ira barely escapes a Mexican vacation when the US shuts down international flights into the US while he is on vacation. Then, I ask questions and they give their thoughts on the current situation and what they expect from the future. Great returning episode!