The Story Behind Spoonzilla

In this edition of The End Of The Line podcast, I am joined by Ramsey Russell. If you follow the internet and the facebook, you have probably seen the pictures of Mojo’s now world-famous Spoonzilla Decoy going around. Where did it all come from? What is the real story? What part did Ramsey play in it? Today, Ramsey and I walk through the story of how the “Spoonzilla” came about. Also, we tell you how to get one for free.
Rocky Leflore: Welcome to The End of The Line podcast. I’m Rocky Leflore sitting in The Duck South Studios in Oxford, Mississippi and on the road today and joining me as a co-host is old RR himself, Ramsey Russell. Ramsey, how are you?
Ramsey Russell: RR. Hey, I’m doing good, Rocky. Yourself?
Rocky Leflore: Many people called you R squared before.
Ramsey Russell: Up to you. RR is a moniker I had got in college. I can’t remember Smitty’s last name but he was a fraternity brother. I was an AGR there briefly and when I got started at Mississippi state, he gave me that handle RR. The reading is RRs too, back in the old M.S. Ducks days because I forgot my password and had to come up with a new name to get logged back in or something. So, I just added RR Two to my second RR camp.
Rocky Leflore: So, you had an original RR and then you had to get a new log in RR too? That’s the story with that?
Ramsey Russell: Yeah. That’s it. Yeah.
Rocky Leflore: Wow, I never knew that.
Ramsey Russell: It was just RR.
Rocky Leflore: Let me just tell you something, it’s a lot better than growing up with the name Rocky because it’s “Adrian” people are yelling at you across the college campus. Well, about Horse.
Ramsey Russell: Horse was a heck of a baseball player in little league, went up to I guess, middle school or whatever when he started playing football. I get what you’re saying about it, Rocky because Forrest was about to hit the ball, and what do you think everybody yelled? Run Forrest run.
Rocky Leflore: They put two and two together.
Ramsey Russell’s First Business
RR Decoys was the name of my first business and I got a few orders.
Ramsey Russell: He was fast. He was a bullet. He could hit the top of that baseball and it dribbled to the pitcher’s mound. By the time the pitcher picked it up, he done cleared and rounded off first base. He was safe by a mile. I mean, that boy was fast. He could run. But anyway, I’ll tell you something about RR. I just thought of this. It’s kind of an afterthought of some of the stuff we were talking about today. was not my first online website. It wasn’t my first “business” online. Now you got to understand, I’m older than most of the listeners. I’m on up there with some of the other talkers, and stuff like that, and the Internet was all brand new to me. Hey, Rocky, computers were brand new to me when I was 21, 22 years old. I remember an old Forestry faculty advisor. I turned in a paper in ink, he took me down to the computer lab and said, let me show you something. He said, “You see that button?” I go, “Yes sir.” He said, “Push it.” I pushed it and the computer turned on. He sat there for 30 minutes and showed me how to write papers and stuff, and save files on WordPress. He said, “Now, don’t ever turn in another ink paper.” And I can remember, by the time I was getting out of school and going to grad school, and working for the department and all, the Internet kind of came out and it was all new to everybody. It was just a little fraction of what it was. My first year of marriage, I had gone – and I really want to get in depth on this story one day because it involves hunting with the most famous celebrity I’ve ever hunted with. I got married, we went up to Virginia for Christmas where my wife’s family was from, and when my wife said, “You want to go up there and see Christmas?” I said, “Sure.” Well, I didn’t know she meant a week. But we went – we’re still married after all these years. So, we went. I went and hunted near the Chesapeake Bay in Chestertown, Maryland, and the guy I was hunting with, out in his shop had all these cork and wooden gunning decoys. I’m like, wow, man, that’s crazy. That was awesome. It was just some decoys he bought for $5. Him and his dad had bought from a local carver back in the day. The second day we hunted, he pitched them out in the hole and he said, “If you blankety-blanks shoot a low bird, I’m going to kill you. Don’t shoot at low birds. Don’t risk hitting these decoys.” They only cost $5 back then but they’re irreplaceable. We got to talking and I said, “Where can I get some decoys like this?” He said, “Man, calm yourself.” Man, I ain’t never calm with these things. When I went to some place he sent me, man, it was like a marina with a sporting goods store, but they had just an awful lot of carved decoys. Some of them were incredible gunning decoys, all working good, and some of them were just a guy’s first decoy or something. They were trying to get some business. I bought a pair. I wish I’d kept those decoys. I sold them. When we moved from Grenada, I sold a bunch of my old goose and a bunch of decoys. But I went and bought me a band. So, I did this, did that, and my first ambition, I’m thinking, man, I’m going to make these things. And then I made some and they were terrible. Oh my gosh, they were terrible, the first ones I ever made. They work, but they were terrible Rocky. They were horrible. I still got four of them. I sold the rest and then I started rounding them up, doing a little bit better and evolving. My step daddy was an accountant. He said, what you all should do is you all make a business, and you all sell a few of these decoys. I’m like, that’s a great idea. RR Decoys. RR Decoys was the name of my first business and I got a few orders. What I realized is I would go out and shop – that’s back when I was working an 8 to 5 job with the federal government – I’d go out to my shop and carve until midnight, or paint, or just do different things. Just get lost in myself shaving, and carving, and shaping, and making those decoys look as close to ducks as I can make it look. I never perfected the artwork, but I can kind of shape them up and you could say, oh that’s a mallard.
Rocky Leflore: You know how much these suckers would be worth? For Forrest or Duncan’s kids to pay for college.
Ramsey Russell: All said and done 20 years ago in Grenada, when we moved from Grenada to Brandon, I probably had about 60 of them, and I sold off half. I wish I’d kept that very first pair of box and I did pay like $20 apiece, and they worked, and they were nice. I hunted over them for a year, but I just had to make room in this new garage and all, and I didn’t have a shop. So, I ended up selling. I would’ve had whole white pine stems cut up, and saws, and I had buckets full of blank heads, and carved heads. I ended up selling it all on eBay and to different folks around the Internet, and just getting completely out of it. I’ve got 30 – when I get done with this 12 I’ve been working on this week, and my paint job ain’t no better now than it was then – I’ll have 30 and then I’ve got 11 more sitting upon that shelf. They’re all teal. I had intended to paint blue wing teal and I’m going to stick to it, and then when I get those painted, I’m done. I’m out of the decoy business forever.
Rocky Leflore: Nah, you’re just now getting in the decoy business. That’s kind of why you’re in it.
Ramsey Russell: I guess kind of. Sort of.
The History of Mojo’s Spoonzilla Decoy
Asking a guy like that to carve a decoy like this is kind of like asking Rembrandt to come paint your doghouse.
Rocky Leflore: All right. All right. So, the Spoonzilla has been revealed. The spoonbill spinning wing decoy was a practical joke by you. Now, I’ve heard parts of this story from you, but tell everybody on the podcast what happened, how it all came about.
Ramsey Russell: Well, let me back up a little bit to give it some perspective. Mike Morgan – I’ve known him since I was 19 years old. He and one of his partners owned – especially for that day – they owned the most phenomenal archery shop. Especially for that time. Nobody’s ever seen anything like this. I mean, it’s just awesome and I’d go up there, all the way up Madison. But man, I drive up from Byron. The archery shop, you never go in and leave. You got to be committed to go to an archery shop, especially one like theirs. Because once you go in there, you’re going to spend a little time. By time, you talk, and visit, and shoot, and tune, and do everything. I used to be a big archer. I used to really love to bow hunt.
Rocky Leflore: All that talking. You don’t get into that, do you?
Ramsey Russell: Oh yeah, well, I was 19 years old, 20 years old, and Rocky, I can remember there was a guy named Will. I used to bump into him up there, he’s always tuning a bow and doing different things and he was just one of the regulars up there. Kind of hanging out and coming through there. Avid Hunter, friendly, friendly, friendly guy. One day he said, “Come here Russell, let me show you something,” and it looked like – I don’t know what it was, but in my description, it’s like a folded washer with a piece of latex straps and wrapping duct tapes. He said, watch this. I go, golly, well it sounds just like a turkey. Who knew Primo’s Calls is going to be like it back then? I met another guy – I won a door prize one time at a turkey calling contest – I was just up there watching. I wasn’t hooting or nothing, and there was a blind, and it was just new. I mean it wasn’t that green splotchy camo. This stuff looked like the side of a tree, and that blind was nothing, but like 4 ft, a 3 ft by 8 ft bolt of cloth and 3 or 4 poles to hang it on. Then we had two products that I was aware at the time, it was that and a one-piece uninsulated jumpsuit. I ran up to the counter when I won the door prize and I said, “Hey can I swap this one with jumpsuits?” Mike goes, “You better go holler that guy. He’s leaving right now.” So I grabbed up my prize and ran out there and introduced myself, and I said, “Hey can I swap this for that camo suit? I’d get a lot more use bow hunting out of it,” and he said, “Sure. Sure, you can.” Reaching back to the station wagon, he handed me that one-piece suit. Man, that was freaking toxic haze. He was just getting started, he had an idea. He was working for Brad Farris and he had an idea. Who knew? So, I mean it wasn’t just a bow shot. So back in those days, Rocky, yeah, I can talk a storm.
Rocky Leflore: Hey it’s one more.
Ramsey Russell: I did a whole lot of listening back in those days.
Rocky Leflore: It was one more that actually got his start at that bow shop too and what put him into the industry out of that bow shop. Mr. Brad Farris.
Ramsey Russell: Really?
Rocky Leflore: Yeah, it was Brad. Your’re right, Brad Farris was a very young man. I think he was younger than me. I know he was and that’s where I met him was while working up at that bow shop. Indian Archery was the name of it. I also met, I knew him but there was a gentleman around at, Jackson, Mississippi named, Mr. Bob Westerfield and I knew –
Rocky Leflore: Oh man. The names.
Ramsey Russell: Bob Westerfield – I had an old bear bow, that’s what I had. He walked me through and we looked at some different bows, and once I got one, man, that man spent an hour or two upstairs at the shooting range. Helped me perfect my form, and telling me what I was doing wrong, and just getting me right. That man was just a remarkable hunter cut from a whole different fabric and of course he was a heck of a duck caller too. Now I say this about Mr. Bob, it wasn’t just ducks he could call. I will never forget, I can’t remember what year, but he could hunt anything. Those little red squirrels that like to hug a tree. Man, Bob could start capturing them and man, they couldn’t stand it, they come popping out, and they wouldn’t just come out on the limb where you can see them and shoot them, they were bouncing. They would vibrate like, shoot me, and he did it. I think he used a turkey call for that. What a great guy. So, it’s just an amazing place and time. Indian Archery, I moved to Mississippi State, Indian Archery moved on and past. Years later I used to see Mike every now and again at the Extravaganza when I went in as a participant, just walked out or something like that. But I had a blue, I think it was my first time, maybe my second – my first time at Dallas Safari Club. Walt walked in and I knew I’d seen him a few times back, watching the Hall of Fame or in the house where all the videos work and outdoor television stuff he did back in the day. He was kind of a pioneer of that business. I knew he had a big show – I saw it on tv sometimes and all that good stuff. Up walks Mike, introduces himself and I said, yeah, of course I know you all. He said, hey, I got a quick question: do you have a dove and pigeon hunt, or dove and duck, or duck and dove, something like that combo trip? I said, yeah, of course we do. He says, well I want to introduce you to somebod,y and he introduced me to Mr. Terry Denmon, and we talked, and they would come record some television. Terry’s a very, very, very smart guy. I don’t know if you all have ever met an engineer. But he is an absolute engineering mind. We were talking one time down in Argentina for example – and I just knew because I memorized it – I knew that if you want to know the approximate conversion of Celsius to Fahrenheit, it’s easy. You take, Celsius multiply it times 2. It’s actually, multiply it times 1.8, but my mind don’t think like that without a calculator. So, I say 2 and add 32. That’s how you convert. Well, it’s 2° wherever you’re hunting in Celsius, it was really about 34°, 35° in Farenheit and I said that down in Argentina to Denmon. One time he’s like, well that don’t make no sense. I said, of course it does. Here’s the formula. I didn’t know this, it is right. He didn’t say a word for about two or three minutes. He snaps his finger and he goes, you know why that works? Because water boils at this much and water freezes this much and something something, something, something, something, something, something. Man, he just sat there for two minutes of work, the whole freaking matriculation out of his mind and can do that. That’s what I call smart. God, my mind don’t think like that Rocky. If I don’t see it on paper and have a cell phone or calculator in hand, I can’t think like that. Very, very smart guy. We went down to Argentina and hunted for the first time. We went, shot ducks down in Las Flores and it was a great hunt. We smacked them good, and they made some really good television, and after the hunt, we were doing a little B roll and he said, “Ramsey tell us all the ducks we shot today.” Started running down that rosy bills and kilo wigeons, speckle teal and silver teal, and red shovelers, and he goes, “Woah, woah, woah.” He looked at the camera, he held his finger and he said, “Ladies and gentlemen, I did not shoot a shoveler.” It was kind of funny. We all laughed. Well, golly boy. That sounds like a dare to me or a challenge. So, over the years, it became a running joke, shovelers. One time down in Argentina, there’s shovelers coming off to your side and it got up to about the middle of the blind, right in between us both, and he shot it. We went, oh my gosh, we then brought Denmon over to the dark side. He shot a shoveler and he said, yeah, but it ain’t a shoveler in America, it’s a shoveler down here. It don’t count. Well, they called me in the room later that evening, showed me the video. He said, look at this. Oh, I got to show you this. And we both had those cameras on so that you can see when you shoot, and then Mike had filmed it and what you see is the split instance – like, boom-boom. The split instance before Denmon shot that shoveler. Here comes my part and I actually killed it. Shoveler killer. One time he sent me and Mike to go film with JJ Kent and we shot mallards and pintails and teals. Man, that part of Texas is just amazing. Lot of different species and diversity. On day four, JJ said, I’ve got this place down here. He said there’s a lot of ducks, but it’s all only shovelers. Mike and I just shrug and said, man, that’s fine. We’ll go shoot the heck out shovelers. And they named that episode Spooning Crockett. Man, we carried on. It was a very heavily viewed episode of Mojo. He wrote a text. I thought he was kidding, Rocky. He wrote a text, and he said, note to self, never let Mike and Ramsey film a duck hunting show without adult supervision. Well, he ain’t never sent us on assignment no more to go shoot ducks and I don’t know if he was kidding or not. You’ve got to hear this story. We hunted together a lot and every time we’re together, it’s just shovelers, shovelers, shovelers, a running joke. Last year I went to Montana – was hunting with some friends and Trevor got to talking about a guy that I knew immediately who he was because we’re friends on Facebook – a guy, Jason Chuley. He is a gifted carver, number one. Number two, what he would sometimes do, is you can send him your own Mojo that was all beat up, and shot up, and battered, and stuff like that. Or you can send him one to get a species that you hunt, or that your fond of and they don’t make a lot of. He would carve, and now look, I’m talking big time Rocky. I’m talking now, yeah. Go to his site. Go to his Facebook page and look at some of these decoys this guy carves. The Mojo rehabs had called him – bufflehead I think was the first one he did for somebody, and different pintails, and just beautiful, beautiful, beautiful works of art. I just had this idea because in about three weeks we were going to film down in Mexico, and I just say it was one of – oh my gosh, I got an idea for a practical joke on them. I’m going to commission a shoveler. Everybody was like, oh my God, that’d be hilarious because they don’t have a shoveler decoys. Well, it took a few days to get in touch with him because Jason – now, when I say this man is an artist, I’m serious. In my opinion, the man is a very gifted artist. He’d get off in that shop I’ve learned, and he don’t just answer the phone like I might. My phone rings and I’ll answer it. Jason gets off and he’s processing and getting immersed in his art. He doesn’t answer his phone every time it rings. It’s probably not even in the shop with him because he’s doing his work. So, we wrote him back and I think we were chatting on Facebook Messenger because I was looking at them this morning and reading them from back when it was. I said, hey, I would like for you to make me a shoveler. He said, Yeah, I’ll try to do that blah blah. I said, well, not just any shoveler. I said, I want a shoveler with teeth and we’re kind of going back and forth. From what I envisioned he would do is carve the bills kind of with their mouth open and then maybe just leave a block of uncarved wood in the middle and I told him this thing in the chat. I said, I can go in and burn in the hashtag so that it’ll look like teeth. That’ll be fine as a practical joke. We went back and forth, and if you look at it his art, if you look at the gun, and rigs, and the calls this man is turning out, you’ll realize what I did not realize at the time. Asking a guy like that to carve a decoy like this is kind of like asking Rembrandt to come paint your doghouse. It really is because you got to see the work this guy turns out. So, I told him, well, it’s a practical joke on Mr. Terry Denmon that owns Mojo. He goes, oh I’m in. So, he sent it to me. He kept sending me pictures and updates, and Rocky, this guy went all in. That mandible of that original decoy is two pieces of wood as he carves each tooth in detail and put it together. It was just something. I just couldn’t believe it when he sent it to me. So, I went down to Mexico and for a few days I just kept it under wraps. I was thinking about how I was going to do this and one day, I was actually in the blind – I think they got this on that episode. I actually said, you all need to do a shoveler decoy. No, we ain’t going to do no shoveler. Well, that night at dinner, 4th night – I had a couple of margaritas – that night at dinner, see what I had done is, I had sent Jason – I ordered a blue wing teal decoy and I told him I wanted a caricature. I wanted a caricature. I wanted it to be just a real big looking head and just kind of crazy looking, funny looking. I want it to be just goofy looking. Boy, he delivered. But also like the fact that that blue wing decoy had the same general wing coloration of a shoveler. So, he carved it like that, and that night, I presented it to Mr Denmon. Of course, I broke the wing off because I had it kind of cloaked under my coat and when I pulled my coat off, I had pulled the wing off. I held the bill – Terry was sitting there at the table with a net. I said, I know I’m smarter than I look and everything else. I made a big joke about it. I said, because you didn’t want to make a shoveler decoy, I made my own. I extended it to him, he reached forward and I pulled it back and gave another spin. It’s a great decoy. Shovelers and all this good stuff. Man, the world needs a shoveler decoy. So, I made my own, and when I finally let go of it and gave it to him, he saw the teeth and he burst out laughing. He burst out laughing. It was funny and Terry goes well, I want you to sign. I said, for what? He said, for folks at my office. I go, no Terry, it ain’t your decoy. It’s my decoy. I made my own shoveler decoy. The next morning, we stuck it in the mud out in front of the blind and then put it to kill hold. Didn’t want to risk hitting it with a low shot or something like that, and I think there were a bunch of teal flying in or something that morning. So, I went out and I took my iPhone and I started at the bar. Now, remember I had to put a new wing on it and there was the extra mag in the side of the wing I later detached. This thing is capitated, shaking and vibrating. It just looks goofy as can be. I started at the bar and I go up, and I go up, and go up. Then you see the decoy and as you’re scrolling around through the front, you can see it’s a shoveler and then I get to the teeth, and I stopped there. I put it on Facebook or Internet or something and it blew up. It blew up. Now, Jason had told me what he would charge to make that decoy when I commissioned it from him and I said that’s not enough. I’m going to pay you more. And he said, yeah, everybody tells me I’m too cheap man, but Ramsey that’s not my core business. It’s just something to fool around with. Something fun. I enjoy doing it and they are simple to make. The next morning after I put that thing on the Internet. I got an inbox from him and it basically said you don’t owe me nothing. I said no, no, no, we’re going to say, he said Ramsey, I’m telling you, I woke up this morning and there were more emails in inboxes than I can process. I can’t even read them all. He said, that’s the most astounding publicity I’ve ever gotten for a quiet little decoy maker. For an artist. He wouldn’t take our money, Rocky. It took off on the Internet and everybody wanted it. People started contacting Mojo and saying where can we get this decoy. I was kind of throwing gas on the fire, I ain’t going to lie to you. I’m like well, that’s fast growth. Hey, Mike Morgan walked into Bass Pro shop one day around Christmas last year and a man goes up to him and said, what the heck is a Spoonzilla and when can we get them? Denmon commissioned an artist. They wanted a carver. They wanted to do it. So, we reached out to Jason. He’s like Ramsey, I’m never going to carve another shoveler like that. I’m carving serious artwork. I’m telling you, man, I just ordered a pair of gunning gadwalls from Jason for my own little gun rig, and he won’t even get started on them until probably January because he’s so busy turning out real artwork. He said, I’m never going to carve you one of those. I’m not in that business. You all can go and do crazy things. I could care less. I called him another time and I was like Jason, we just want you to be on board with it. He said, Ramsey, you don’t understand. I don’t do that. That’s not me. I carve this real stuff over here. He said, man, that’s all. You all have fun with it, whatever. He said, I’m a blessed guy, I get up every morning, I do what I want. So, Mojo went out and got their own carver to carve one. I gave it life and I thought it was kind of funny that this carving from scratch does not stand or do any of that kind of stuff. It’s just a carving from scratch. That guy’s rendition. But it looks very similar because that’s the one, that was the original and all that good stuff. It looks similar enough to be recognizable but it’s crazy. For me Rocky, it’s just a practical joke. It was just a practical joke and it started out. I hunted with it in several different places. I took it to Argentina this year, we shot some red shovelers over there. I took it to Mexico last year, we shot a bunch of northern shovelers over there. A lot of my buddies at M.S. Ducks, them too, and several others now. We talked about going up and having a boot lip beat down with it. Truth of the matter is, that man ain’t going to carve any of them like that and it was a lot of fun. Actually, Josh Criswell is making me a habitat box with a pole sticking up. We’re going to put this Ramzilla, the original inside it and I’m just going to put it up. Now, I’ve become so protective of it because it’s irreplaceable. If it gets shot, if it gets damaged, whatever. He’s never going to carve another one. Next year when I drive to Canada, I’m going to make a point of swinging by his shop. I want to get a picture with him. You know what I’m saying? And I’m going to ask him if he’ll sign it for me. So, when I put it up in that case, it’ll go. But anyway, it’s crazy. Now, one thing Mojo did – I thought it was brilliant – is on the top of that decoy, they put a little tab where you can hook it and hang it. It’s unbelievable how many people, myself included, intend to get one and hang at the game room. Just for a conversation starter. You want to talk about it? I’m probably going to put one out in front of my family and everybody is going nowhere. Well Ramsey is, with a shoveler decoy outgoing. But anyway, it’s been a lot of fun just to see it go from a practical joke through a couple of stages, and then taken along to where it is now, and I think they announced it on Halloween. That’s pretty dang appropriate I think, for such a goofy looking decoy.
A Shoveler Decoy?!?
Rocky Leflore: Now Ramsey, they’re only making limited quantities of these. I mean it’s not going to be an endless quantity this year of them, right?
Ramsey Russell: The best I know is, it’s in short supply. I don’t know if they got an entire container. I don’t know if they split a container. I don’t know. I’m on my way over there right now to meet with and just visit it and pick up a couple. I had intended to bring some over to the social this weekend or bring one over to raffle off as a door prize. But anyway, I don’t know how many they got. I know this: they don’t think it’s going to sell. They just don’t think it’s going to sell and I think, based on last night’s response on the Internet and just the messages and emails and what the excitement I saw online, I think it’s going to sell like gangbusters. I don’t know if it’s going to be in a lot of retail this year because to put product in big box, you kind of have to go through a process, you have to show it to them, blah blah blah, and I know there are some retail places that are going to have it this year. But I don’t think it’s going to be coast to coast nationwide like it might be next year. So, the best I can tell it is going to be – and it’s like, hey, I’ve been listening to you and Josh talk about candy corn and all that kind of stuff. Trick or treat and you all know what I mean when you were kids and you went trick or treating, you always went to that one house that had the best candy. There’s always somebody that bought real candy. Real candy. So, you better go early to hit that house because it ain’t going to last long. Everybody is going to hit it first. That’s what I say is, if everybody is thinking about getting that, they better get it while it gets good because it doesn’t look like – I think it’s in limited supply this year, and maybe next year they’ll have a lot more of them in sales. But I think it’s in limited supply and that’s why I’m coming over here to pick up some myself. I’ve got some friends that have wanted one. I’d like to have one for posterity, hang it in my game room, right next to Jason’s original.
Rocky Leflore: Do you want to let the audience in on – or wait till next week? Let’s tell them this week. I’ll have it up on Monday.
Ramsey Russell: Yeah, yeah.
Rocky Leflore: GetDucks and The End of The Line Podcast, we’re going to partner up and give one away just to the listeners of this podcast and Duck South users. But if you’re listening to this, be looking for that sign-up sheet for your chance for you to be a part of that in a couple of weeks, what do you say, Ramsey? Right before Thanksgiving you want to drop off?
Spoonzilla Give Away Raffle!
Ramsey Russell: Yes, sir. However, you think it’d be good. I appreciate everybody listen to these podcasts and Like I said, I’m happy to bring one back over and mail it out to anybody. So yeah, I think we ought to give one away. Hey, that would be a lot of fun. A little excitement.
Rocky Leflore: Well, let’s just say that they have, you want to say, two weeks to sign up for it? That would be on Thanksgiving. We’ll do the draw on the day before Thanksgiving. Let’s do it that way. I got to give everybody plenty of time to get into duck hunting mode and well we’ll draw that day before Thanksgiving. I’ll let you do the draw and do a Facebook live from the Duck South Group.
Ramsey Russell: Sure. I think it’s a great idea. I’m interested to see how many people apply for it because the funny thing about a shoveler decoy is so many people don’t shoot shovelers, according to the Internet. But how many people want that decoy? Did you know that Rocky? Hey did you know that – I can’t believe I’m going to do it. One of the decoys I’m picking up today, I’ve got to stop at the UPS store and get a price for shipping it, mailing it, to Cairo, Egypt. Somebody contacted me. They shoot a lot of shovelers over there. It’s not a bad bird to them and he’s dying for it. He’s been wearing me out since May. When are they coming in? When are they coming in? When they’re coming in? And I’m going to price the shipping, he’s going to pay us on Paypal, and I’m going to – by gosh – ship it onto him so he’ll have him a shoveler decoy in Cairo, Egypt. I’m going to ship it to Cairo, Egypt. I’ve gotten requests from Argentina from several people that want to hang one in their lodge. Everywhere, all around the world people have asked us for these things. But, Cairo, Egypt? Isn’t that crazy? You can get any sold on the Internet and he’s dying to have one. I didn’t really ask him what he thinks about the teeth because in other parts of the world – to us we kind of get the smiling mallard – it’s funny he’s showing his old pearly whites. Other parts of the world don’t get it. To them, it’s just a duck. They don’t get the whole smiling mallard part with the teeth. But they want it because it looks like a shoveler. Isn’t that crazy? Yeah, let’s do a giveaway Rocky, and you take the lead on that, and I’ll have the decoy, and that’ll be a lot of fun. Odds ought to be good. I bet not too many people want a shoveler decoy according to some serious shoveler hunters out there.
Rocky Leflore: I figured we’re going to have that. We have a pile of people registered for this. Alright, well, Ramsey look, be careful on the rest of your trip. Thank you for being here today. I want to thank all of you that listen to this edition of The End of The Line podcast powered by