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Field Report
Ocellated turkey hunting deep in Mexico’s jungles is an immersive experience that’s everything a proper adventure should be and that no air-conditioned lodge will ever equal. From monkey’s swinging through the tree-tops over camps to jaguars roaring in the distance, this productive environment yields a surprisingly bountiful of harvest of wild games, as judged by game seen and brought to bear heavily on game pole daily – memories to last a lifetime. Seeing hunters hoist their first ocellated turkey, that sparkles like a precious gem even under the forest canopy, never gets old. During the most recent hosted ocellated turkey hunt trip, 6 clients harvested 11 ocellated turkeys, 2 trophy brocket deer and a curassow in only 3 short days. Having killed ocellateds before, I was content to go with a camera but managed a sapote-fattened javalina that we enjoyed for supper one night due to the camp cook’s expertise (and I’ll keep that recipe handy in upcoming hunting seasons). Among the many reasons to return again: shooting an ocellated turkey through the seemingly impenetrable forest proved far more difficult with a camera than with a gun – 30 feet is so close and yet so very far away.
Ramsey Russell,

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Ocellated Turkey
There are only two species of turkey in the world; the North American wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), divided into five distinct subspecies, and the ocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata). The ocellated turkey is known by several different names that vary by Central American locale: pavo, pavo ocelado, or its Mayan Indian name, ucutz il chican. Very little research has been done on the ocellated and less is known about the ecology of this turkey than any of the five subspecies of North American wild turkeys, including the Gould’s. The National Wild Turkey Federation, in partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society and Hornocker Wildlife Institute, helped sponsor the first research project to trap and place radio transmitters on ocellated turkeys in Guatemala in 1993. Much of the information provided in this bulletin is a result of this NWTF-sponsored study.
The ocellated turkey exists only in a 50,000 square mile area comprised of the Yucatan Peninsula range includes the states of Quintana Roo, Campeche and Yucatan, as well as parts of southern Tabasco and northeastern Chiapas.
The ocellated turkey is easily distinguished from its North American cousin in appearance. The body feathers of both male and female birds have a bronze-green iridescent color mixture, although females sometimes appear duller in color with more green than bronze pigments. Unlike North American turkeys, breast feathers of male and female ocellated turkeys do not differ and cannot be used to determine sex. Neither male nor female birds have a beard.
Tail feathers in both sexes are bluish-gray in color with a well defined, eye-shaped, blue-bronze colored spot near the end followed by bright gold tip. The tail feather spots are similar to those seen on peacock feathers which led some scientists to once believe the ocellated was more related to peafowl than turkeys. In fact, these spots helped give the ocellated its name, as the Latin word for eye is oculus.
The upper, major secondary wing coverts, or wing bar, are a rich copper color and highly iridescent. The barring on primary and secondary wing feathers is similar to North American turkeys, but the secondaries contain more white coloration, especially on the outer edges.
Both sexes have a blue-colored head and neck with distinctive orange to red, warty, caruncle-like growths, called nodules, but they are more pronounced on males. The head of the male also has a fleshy blue crown behind the snood which is adorned with yellow-orange nodules similar to those on the neck. During breeding season, this crown enlarges and the coloration of the nodules becomes more pronounced. Ocellated turkeys also have a distinct eye-ring of bright red colored skin, especially visible on adult males during the breeding season.
Legs of ocellated turkeys are shorter and thinner than North American wild turkeys and are deep red in color. Legs of adult males also have pronounced spurs; longer and more attenuated than those of North American gobblers. Spur lengths in males over 1 year old average at least 1.5 inches. Spurs longer than two inches have been recorded.
Ocellated turkeys are significantly smaller than any of the five subspecies of North American wild turkeys. Adult hens weigh approximately 8 pounds just prior to egg-laying and nesting and about 6-7 pounds the remainder of the year. During the breeding season adult males weigh approximately 11-12 pounds.
*Content courtesy of The National Wild Turkey Federation.
Customer Testimonials
ocellated turkey hunting in the jungle of an ancient Mayan civilization’s ocellated turkey hunting provided the wonderful experience to hunt in the jungle of an ancient Mayan civilization. One of the most memorable Father-Son experiences Ryan and I have ever done. I collected 2 ocellated turkeys. Ryan’s trophy ocellated turkey had spurs just over 2 inches long, and his brocket deer had nearly 6-inch antlers. We’re going to have our ocellated turkeys mounted together in a habitat scene to memorialize the adventure. is an extremely professionally run company, and I was exceedingly pleased with the complete experience.
Bill Bassham
Referenced hunt: Ocellated Turkey Hunt in Mexico

ocellated turkey hunting and gould’s turkey hunting trip…planned out perfectly
Thanks to I completed my turkey hunting World Slam with 2 ocellated turkeys and 2 Gould’s turkeys during a single trip. The turkey hunting was spectacular and all portions of the trip were planned out perfectly. The jungle in Campeche was just so full of life it was hard to not see something new each day. The scenery in at the Durango ranch was unbelievable. The response times I got on phone calls and questions was well above average. The pre-hunt organization and actual hunt were all you could ask for. I really enjoyed the hosted hunt. When going to a foreign country I prefer to travel with someone with experience and certainly has that.
Brian Bristow
Referenced hunts: Ocellated Turkey Hunt, Gould’s Turkey Hunt

ocellated turkey hunts were amazing – counting the days until I can make it back.
For me, it has always been more than just the hunting. It’s the overall experience that makes a lifelong memory and best satisfies the hunger of a hunter. The ocellated turkey hunts offered by delivers on every important aspect of a successful hunt. My father and I enjoyed the turkey hunt of a lifetime together. Ancient Mayan ruins, authentic regional cuisine, hardworking and knowledgable camp staff, and incredible Yucatan hunting have me counting the days until I can make it back. I will host another lucky group of ocellated turkey hunters in April 2016.
Ryan Bassham, Hunting Consultant, cell 214-926-5536
Referenced hunt: Ocellated Turkey Hunt did what I expected, when I asked. Prompt and to the point, and I like the way I was treated. Thanks for a great ocellated turkey hunt.
Everything about my ocellated turkey hunt was great – the guides, food, lodging, hunting. I was surprised by how comfortable the beds were at our authentic jungle tent camp. Seeing and hearing lots of ocellated turkeys is an experience I will remember forever, and the 2 ocellated turkeys I collected have exceptionally long spurs. I do not know how they could do much better. did what I expected, when I asked. Prompt and to the point, and I like the way I was treated. Thanks for a great ocellated turkey hunt.
Roger Cook
Referenced hunt: Ocellated Turkey Hunting

the “full jungle experience” of ocellated turkey hunting
Had a great time during my recent ocellated turkey hunt near Campeche, Mexico. I got 2 nice ocellated turkey trophies and a Greater Currasow – luckily, in just 3 days. The guides and trophy bird preparation were excellent. I was not really expecting the “full jungle experience” of ocellated turkey hunting – there were alot of other wildlife to view and appreciate. Binoculars and a good bird identification book are must-bring. Jungle tent camp was comfortable and the food was good. Left camp earlier than planned and was thankful for the convenient assistance of Cherie and Anita in making airline changes. Thanks for arranging another great turkey hunting experience.
Joe Dodd
Referenced Hunt: Mexico Ocellated Turkey Hunt